by Greg Kramer We have searched for Web sites which provide quality files for Mac versions and asked them to "sponsor" an individual game. Thus, your add-ons are being chosen and prepared by people who know the games intimately and, like you, are fans. You will thus find more files with Read Me's included and will notice a significant rise in quality. If you have a Web site dedicated to a game (major or minor), we would love to make you a sponsor for Gamebits; please e-mail to to find our more. If you can recommend a Web site, please give us the address and we will approach them. Special thanks to our charter sponsors, listed below, for their dedication and enthusiasm. Thanks for making Gamebits better!! Please visit these sites often: Civ II for the Mac, maintained by Romulo Romero, can be found at Mac 3D Total Action, maintained by Aris Paterakis, can be found at 3D Daily Levels, can be found at Escape Velocity for Grown Ups, maintained by Ray Hachey, can be found at Now, on with the show. The Update Files On this month's CD we include: ATI Drivers Boogaloopers, v. 1.1 Close Combat 2 Cobra Gunship, v. 1.2 DukeEdit, v. 1.02 Fallout, v. 1.1 Galapagos, v. 1.1 Harry the Handsome Executive, v. 1.01 Imperialism, v. 1.17 Master of Orion 2, v. 1.5 Quake, v. 1.08.4 Riven, v. 1.01 X-Plane, v. 3.61 Please read the Read Me files to find out if you need these patches. More for Your Game: Scenarios, Cheaters and Add-Ons Every month we bring you all the new cheaters, scenarios, and miscellaneous goodies we could dig up to enhance your gaming experience. Remember, cheaters can reduce the challenge of your games, so use them at your own peril. Scenarios are the products of the do-it-yourself gaming culture in which any average Joe/Jane out there can design brand new challenges for their favorite game. There will be some losers, but don't let a few lame WADs keep you from finding the occasional gold nugget. We take no responsibility for the quality or stability of any of the scenarios we have included. If you find any goodies that you wish to share with your fellow Mac gamers, please let us know about them and we will pass them on. Remember, where appropriate, to pay the shareware fee! Featured this month are the contest scenarios for all players of Mac Civ II. The contest, ongoing at Romulo Romero's Civ II for the Mac page (http://www.connix. com/~rrome/civII.html), offers players the chance to show who's the best. All players must play the same scenario (see MFYG for next month's files) and can participate in the monthly short contest or the continuing longer competition (use the appropriate map for the long and short contests). Full details can be found at Good Luck. Other major games featured in MFYG this month are: Civilization 2, Close Combat, Close Combat 2, Damage Inc., Dark Forces, Doom 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Escape Velocity, Fallout, Kali, MacMAME, Marathon, Master of Orion 2, Myth, Postal, Quake, Riven, Vectorama, Warcraft II, and X-Wing. Help Us If you are updating your game, please send us a note with the changes you've implemented. We will be sure to include your update in our next issue. e-mail us at Also, if you have designed a scenario, cheater, or any other item of interest to us here at MFYG, do let us know. If we get enough, we might have a special section for IMG-reader-created stuff. Also, a few readers have complained that we are missing some items they felt worthy of inclusion (and too large to be conveniently downloaded). It is our goal at Gamebits to provide the most up-to-date, complete selection of game add-ons available, but it impossible for us to find everything. If you hear of any files you would like to see on IMG, please drop us a line at, tell us what it is and where we can find it (ftp address, if you have it) so we can save you a download. We're not perfect, but we do take requests! Disclaimer All of the shareware files or free updaters listed above are available on this CD-ROM. Always make backups before applying patches, hacks, or updaters to a copy of any program! Nobody but you is to blame if you mangle your original.